BS Blog

BS Blog - Projects

Various projects and works I've been involved in as part of my career.

Material Icons

A module to incorporate material icons into a site. A CKEdtior plugin along with a new field type.

American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers

Multi-site Wordpress migration to Drupal 8, custom theme and personalization.

IXM Blocks

A component module to provide default Bootstrap blocks for base installs.

Trinity University

Custom Drupal build with multiple migrations and custom permissioning.

Stanford Financial Gateway

Fingate - Stanford's Financial Gateway portal was year-long rebuild of an outdate static site into Drupal 8

Technical Safety BC (Formerly BCSA)

A Drupal 6 to Drupal 8 migration and retheme.

View Combine

Allows combining multiple views together with Union

Media Library Extras

Helpers and common extra functionality on top of Drupal core's media library.

Acquia Certified Front End Specialist - Drupal 8

Acquia's Certified Front End Specialist Program


Drupal Accessibility checker utility using the Sa11y API.


A module that provides a UI to create JSON stubs for API mocking.

University of Arizona - College of Medicine

Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 upgrade and retheme project.

Acquia Certified Back End Specialist - Drupal 8

Acquia's Certified Back End Specialist Program.

Obfuscate Email

Protect email address from bots using JS + ROT13. Works on both email fields and WYSIWYG as a filter.

Field Defaults

Set default values on existing fields or when adding new fields to existing entities.

Ajax Timeline

Drupal 7 module for creating simple timeline blocks in an ajax on scroll fashion.


Coveo search integration for Drupal using the Search API suite and also Coveo's JS frontend framework.


SlackStorm is an IntelliJ (PHPStorm, IDEA) plugin to post code snippets to Slack.

Acquia Certified Developer - Drupal 8

Acquia's Developer Certification Program.

Acquia Grand Master Certification - Drupal 8

Completion of Acquia's entire suite of Drupal 8 Certification programs.

CKEditor Bootstrap Grid

A CKEditor plugin for Drupal to create bootstrap grid elements inside the editor.

Entity Reference Widgets

A collection of entity reference widgets not supported by core.

Soil Mate

Custom build with Map api integrations.

Me In a Nutsell

Personal websites built using social platforms and highly customizable widgets/components.